We designed our bundles so that each one serves a particular purpose. Unlike most of our competitors, all of our bundles automatically contain an ISBN with bar code, copyright registration on behalf of the author, and a custom-designed full-color cover. We never use standard cover templates or clip art!
Here is the breakdown.
• All-Text, No Frills – If you have a basic all-text, (Black ink only on White or Créme paper) with no pictures or fancy designs, “The Basic Bundle” is all you really need. It is made for a high-quality, yet simple print book, and can be either in paperback or hardcover. (It can also be used for an E-Book if that is all you want, and we still will provide an ISBN and bar code for it.)
• Books With Some Pictures – If your book has pictures either in color or B&W, but it is still a bit basic, “The Value Bundle” is for you. As with the Basic Bundle, it can be used for any of three types of books, hardcover, paperback or E-Book. When a book contains pictures, there are a lot more technical processes to go through to keep pictures looking their best.
• A Print Book and an E-Book – Priced for both of these items, including all needed components is our very popular “Professional Bundle”. Not only does it come with everything you need for both a quality print book and eBook, but it also includes twice the number of picture insertions, registration for a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN), proofreading, spell and grammar checks, and one free revision.
• Print and E-Book with Promo Materials – Part of the trick of getting your book sold is to let people know it is out there! “The VIP Bundle” has everything you could need to get your book promoted. Since our company tries to keep the price of our services as low as possible, we require the author to do their own promotion. However, this bundle gives you plenty of tools and materials to do just that. We can design custom promotional items like bookmarks, postcards and posters, sell sheets, and get you into book reviews. We can also provide you with Social Media tools as well, to get your book noticed!
All of our bundles can be expanded with “Add-Ons” if you need just a bit more than what is offered.
Here are some examples:
• Added Insertions – Need some more picture insertions, tables, graphs, or decorative additions? All of these can be added-on individually for slightly extra, from $1-$5.
• Media Kit – This provides printed materials, and contains custom-designed bookmarks, postcards, and posters to help spread the word on your book. Send to bookstores, experts in your field, or a club associated with your topic.
• Media Bundle – Includes the kit above, plus complete Social Media services, sell sheets and book reviews. If you just want a basic book, but still need to advertise, this bundle can really help.
See our Store for more details.
Below is a comparison chart that you can visually see the differences between the plans. Click on the image to download it in pdf.