Part 4: Legal Information
Yes, I have.No, I have not.
ISBNs- 13-Digit International Standard Book Numbers One separate ISBN is required for each book format, and a new one is needed for each different publisher, edition, or any change in size. (In the USA, book info associated with a Picky Press ISBN is entered into the global “Books in Print” database.) The ISBNs must be listed below in their appropriate book format.
Yes, I have ISBNs for each format.No, I do not have my ISBNs yet.
Library of Congress Control Number- LCCN (for USA only)
Yes, I have an LCCN.No, I do not have an LCCN.
Rights of Use
Yes, I use published material under copyright.Yes, but it is in the Public Domain.No, I only use my own material.
Step 5
Part 5: Credits
Content and Contributors
Yes, I am the sole contributor.No, there are other contributors.
Book Covers
Yes, there is cover art.No cover art, just text.
Step 6