Diana Krohn’s evolving career as a secretary, teacher, saleswoman and corporate helicopter engineer was always supplemented by volunteering in her community. As a retiree, family, friends, learning and extensive volunteer activities keep her busy and fulfilled. Poetry has been her mode of expression; this is her first book. She leaves nothing out. The good and the bad, her hopes and fears, become evident in her stories. Living in a neighborhood of immigrants in a cramped apartment with assorted hand-me-downs, Diana’s vision of life formed from playing with the kids on the street; her reflections and guiding principles come from experience.

My Street: Memories and Reflections

My Street: Memories and Reflections

$18.00eBook: $9.99

We all occasionally look back to our childhood, feel and relive our early memories. I gathered these fragments to answer questions from my children, but I also reflect on how these experiences influenced my life. Now I’m sharing them with you—my friends. Here’s northern New Jersey from 1941-1955.

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